'Mad' About Blogs: DC Fashion with Imani Damali

Thursday, March 31

Hey everyone I am extremely excited to co-sign this blog. As you guys may know I tend to post on very well-known couture designers. Well through contacts, reading and massive amounts of Internet surfing, I am expanding my interest into regional and emerging designers. I also love reading blogs and learning from other fashionistas out here. This is where DC Fashion with Imani Damali comes into play. Imani Damali is an up and coming fashion designer and brand located in my native Washington DC area. I am extremely excited to learn about the growth of the industry in my hometown of Washington DC. I know whenever I think about great fashion centers New York, Paris, Milan, and the likes come to mind. Imani Damali's blog serves as a reminder of how prevalent the industry is in the nontraditional fashion centers. I highly suggest you guys head over to the blog and check it out. She is dropping a lot of knowledge about the emerging industry in Washington DC. Also look out for more features about this designer as I plan to post more about her designs, business and her role as an activist on the DC fashion scene.