'It Gets Better' Campaign

Saturday, October 2

I read about this campaign earlier this week when Ciara and LaLa both took part by posting a video.  I don't know if anyone heard about the young man over at Rutgers that committed suicide because he was outed and humiliated by his roommate who filmed a sexual encounter he had with his partner.  When I read this and saw it on the news I thought to myself how could someone end their life over something like that.  Then again I am not gay so I can't even begin to understand the isolation and ridicule someone may be feeling when they are struggling with their sexuality and trying to come to terms with it.  I have nothing against homosexuality and anyone who is open about it and honest gets my support.  I don't support liars and down low individuals because these types of behaviors in my opinion, further isolates the gay community, by reinforcing the notion that this is something that has to be hidden.

As far as the campaign goes I am glad that heterosexuals are stepping forward and lending their support behind the gay community.  What happened to this young man happens too often and there are more stories of suicide that emerge everyday.  I just wish people would be more understanding and tolerant and look past things like this and see the human being.  We all feel the same kind of emotions and bleed the same blood.  For anyone that is going through a tough time in their life I do want to say that it will get better.  Seek out  help before you make any drastic decisions like suicide, it may seem like a solution at the time but it never helps in the end.  You have to face these problems head on and in the end you will grow and be a better person for your experiences.  Always remain optimistic as negativity never solves anything.

Check out a few videos below: