Fitness Friday: Toplady Talks "Get in Shape"

Friday, June 11

Let’s TALK… “Get In Shape: Circle Your Life Around Realistic Fitness Goals”

Get in Shape... Lose Weight... Tone Up... are all things people want.

As a fitness professional, I am approached daily by many who say things like- "I want to start 'hitting the gym' soon", "I need to lose weight", "I tried 'such 'n such' diet, it worked then I stopped", "I'm really not motivated".  (in my Michael Jackson voice, singing) "You Are Not Alone".  Really you are not alone, I am here for you. First, I need you to realize that in most cases "getting in shape" is not quick and easy. It requires you adjusting your ways and executing a healthy lifestyle. "Lifestyle" being… your Way of Life… your Standard of Living… your Routine… and your Existence.

The WAY to do it is circle your life around your goals! Set in place a STANDARD schedule that gets you active 7 days a week for at least 3o minutes a day. “Hitting the gym” requires a ROUTINE. What are you going to do when you get there? I am the trainer who will tell you to be more creative- think outside the gym! If you have a membership, use it! You don't "need" a gym.  All you need is space and opportunity people!  As an on-site and in-home trainer this is my expertise.  In most cases I use NO EQUIPMENT.  Space and opportunity, I think I mentioned this before :) Take a minute to create a standard fitness schedule.  Then fill  it with a variety of routines and forms of physical activities that work best for you.  Then DO IT! By sticking to your schedule you designed- you will improve your overall health and have funultimately improving your EXISTENCE.

"Why can she eat whatever she wants and stay skinny?" She can't.  Stop comparing yourself to the "skinny bitch", she's not evil! You think she has it together- if she isn’t working out and eats any and everything all day she's just as bad as the overweight person.  Nutrition is key! Portion control, serving size, what you eat, how often youre eating, and when you eat are all factors one should consider when trying to “get in shape.” My advice: eat less--more often! Smaller meals more times throughout the day added with your daily physical activity of no less than 3o minutes, this is your circle to success to get in shape.

"I am not motivated."  Why the hell not? If you have a goal, you have motivation- you might need someone to push you further and that's a-okay.  Motivation is an assisting factor to your circle of success.  Success comes when you are able to adapt to change- the changing of your lifestyle.  Create change! Challenge your body to adapt to it, then see results! The cycle must continue, the intensity and frequency must increase or your body plateaus.  If what you are doing does not work for you CHANGE IT.  Not everything works for everyone.  Why blame the plan? If you fall off track- get back on. Want to eat organic- stay away from inorganic foods.  Right your wrongs and get in shape.  Stay in shape by continuing to execute a healthy lifestyle.
Be realistic, set short term goals to achieve a long term goal. This is a commitment YOU have to make. There are people willing to help, seek it! Thank Me Later ;)

Want to know more? Let's TALK…e-mail me