Fitness Friday Preview: Interview with Toplady

Thursday, June 10

Tomorrow starts our first official post of Toplady Talks, as I mentioned in a previous post, Fitness Fridays will feature guest blogger Micole 'Toplady' Jones.  Here is an interview to help the readers get to know Toplady and what she is all about, I hope you guys are as excited about Fitness Fridays as we are to bring it to you.   

Who is TopLady?
I am TopLady personified. Everything I aspire in life, I become through a “TopLady” mentality. “TopLady” to me is a way of life, the way you do things. Shall I say, the way to get things done! If you spend your time being on “TOP” of your game, you’re a TopLady (or Gentleman)! With the TopLady mentality and my personifying it, I created TopLady LLC, this is my business, my baby, my brand, everything I live for. TopLady LLC is a company that brings a variety of products and services to those who demand it. It started off being just an in-home Personal Training company, then Massage Therapy was added- now Motivational Speaking. Within those services there are subdivisions of Group Training, Apparel, Sugar Scrubs, Bath Salts, I mean you name it! We are building and adding seems like every week.

What makes TopLady LLC different from other fitness brands?
TopLady LLC inspires other fitness brands. I have sat down with major company owners, people who have “been there, done that” and they see me as an inspiration to do better. I am 24 years old. I have owned a company for the last two years and made some mistakes but my brand is not just fitness, it is a lifestyle. That’s the difference.  Trust me I have learned a lot from them too, “what NOT to do”… Entrepreneurs feed off each other and add value to what they are doing. Not a lot of “major” fitness brands can promise/insure the type of services we can. I do not follow a trend. TopLady sets trends.

What can the “madaboutculture” readers expect from “TopLady TALKS…”?
The truth! My purpose for being here is to give the readers a sense of reality when it comes to being “fit”. Madaboutculture is an excellent site and I definitely love “realness”. I will add to its excellence as I give you my perspective, my experiences, and education on what readers can do to improve their daily living. It’s my job to tell them what they need to know! No lost puppies around me.

What events does TopLady LLC have planned?
We have many events that are connected with our partners and supporters- all I can say is stay tuned!!

What does the future hold for TopLady and TopLady LLC?
As TopLady continues to grow and expand the company (Team TopLady and I) will be grand opening our first location in the District of Columbia next year. Our partnerships with like-minded companies and individuals will create massive venues and exposure insuring our companies’ success. Eye of Ray Photography and TopLady LLC have “Portfolio and Phitness” for our model clients who want to build better bodies and better portfolios. “TopLady TALKS…” with “Madaboutculture” is about to start this week- I am very excited about that!

The clients can keep expecting to reach their goals and receiving the best quality of services at unlimited amounts of quantity.

There are a lot of wonderful and helpful people around, I am confident that my business, clients, and supporting members will all surpass anyone’s expectations of us all

Stay tuned for tomorrow's Fitness Friday post as Toplady Talks 'Getting in Shape'
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