Fitness Friday: Toplady Talks "the 10 minute WORKout"

Friday, June 25

Big Girls Don't Cry... They Work.It.Out

Who is to blame when next month, next year things are still the same?! You- so let me help you help yourself.  Ten minutes a day everyday will change a lot about the way you look and feel.  Use what ya got.   Most of us work at a desk so here's what you  can do:
 Slide your booty off the chair and do some triceps dips; stand up, then sit down (do this 25 times); slide your chair back and step one leg forward, bend both knees (up and down 2o times each leg); use your desk to do push ups if you cannot get on the ground (lower your chest to the desk and explode up for a repetition of 25); have a seat and extend your legs in front of you for a seated crunch (squeeze to the center, to the left and to the right, 25 repetitions in each direction)... stretch and smile! pull yourself back to your desk and tweet me @TopLadyLLC iWant to hear from you

nice TALKing... to you this week.  iHope you participate.

Signing out TopLady

iAm only going to tell you this once, stop the crying about your weight, your jeans not fitting, you can't stop eating.  Excuses are for the weak.  Remember last week when iGave you a plan to follow?! How many of you actually followed it?!  There's your problem... you are not serious about change, you are not committed to a better lifestyle.  The whole point is to create and follow a plan that works.  That plan iGave you WORKS! no more tears,!