There is a Thin Line . . .

Monday, June 21

. . . between just about everything in life.  I will focus my post on the closet 'freak' and the advertising 'hoe'.

I love Twitter, I spend most of my day on twitter reading and communicating with folks.  I have to say I have a group of tweeters that are reckless with their tweets and I enjoy that because they have managed to figure out what is appropriately funny and what is flat out a no no.  I enjoy these folks very much.  Then I have a group of tweeters where I find their freedom of expression to be a bit overwhelming.  Don't get me wrong I will read their post, comment and laugh just like the next one but I also question if these people understand what they are putting out there across the Internet.  Twitter is nothing like Facebook, so there aren't much in the way of pictures, so the people who follow you and ultimately befriend you are doing so based on what you say (tweet).

Females are always complaining about how men are hoes but I have to disagree.  Based on Twitter I would have to say females are the biggest hoes I have come across.  I see guys RT a lot of hoe mess.  A lot of you ladies post the most inappropriate pictures.  I have seen a lot of female genitalia and body parts RT in my time line compared to males and I have to say that majority of males are smart enough not to post that mess on the Internet.

Ladies you do realize there is a thin line between a closet 'freak' and an advertising 'hoe'.  I know a lot of ladies want to appeal to the fellas and not come off as a prude, and that is okay.  There are a lot of things I do and say in the privacy of my own personal conversations that I would never take to Twitter.  I have a lot of guy friends and please believe me they find the stunts you ladies pull on social networking sites to be rather hilarious and pathetic as opposed to sexy and appealing.  Unless you are aspiring to be some one's jump-off I recommend you don't advertise your 'hoeish' ways for the entire Internet to see.  A man likes a little mystery.  Nothing wrong with pulling out all the tricks in the comfort of your bedroom for him and only him but to put your business out there in a meaningless tweet does nothing but make you look bad and says a lot about your judgment as a person.  Yes its just Twitter and no one should be taking it that seriously.  Unfortunately when you are on a site like Twitter and people are trying to get to know you based on what you are writing 'you are what you tweet'. 

So ladies remember next time you post some salacious material on your social networking site of choice there is a thin line between a closet freak and an advertising hoe.