Culture: Garance Dore on Cultural Differences in Dieting and Dining

Friday, August 19

Photo credit: Garance Dore

I love Garance Dore's blog for a number of reasons but the main one has to be that she is able to bring culture to those of us who aren't exposed to it on an everyday basis.  Living in a rural city in NC doesn't really allow for me to be immersed in cultural diversity much like living in New York City or even back home in Washington DC.  I truly get restless at times and often create scenarios in my head where I travel to all types of foreign places.  Garance's blog serves as an escape at times.  She tends to write these very personal pieces that are oftentimes translated in french (no I don't speak french) that is just so very exciting to read.  In a recent post of hers New York Skinny vs Paris Skinny she talks about how the concept of diet and dining can be so different across cultures.  More than anything after reading this I wanted to go to France right away and try some of the Parisian cuisine.