'Mad' About Style: Imani Damali Corsets

Thursday, April 21

I absolutely love Imani Damali's designs.  Her Corsets are just right for the summer ladies with all of the rich jewel tones and colors.  Each Corset is custom made ensuring that no one would ever own the exact same one.  In my discussions with Imani she states that "all corsets are handmade from fabric imported from Ghana West Africa to the customer's specific measurement".  Ladies I guarantee you won't find anything like this anywhere. How often are you able to walk into a boutique or department store and buy a garment that was designed ONLY for you?  The starting price range for the corsets are $250.  Not bad considering the time and resources that go into making one of these custom pieces. 

Imani also does customized themed corsets like the one pictured above.  This piece is called "Sweets and Treats" and starts at a price of $150.  If you would like to see more of Imani's designs head over to her online store at www.ImaniDamali.com to check out more of her amazing collections.