Fitness Friday: Toplady Talks Summer Ready Physique

Friday, April 1

Ladies & Gentlemen Fitness Friday’s Are Baaaaack!

It is most certainly about that time, Spring is showing off and Summer is up next. You can’t tell me you don’t want those “perfect abs”… No “T-Shirt Time” for you fellas, Not This Summer! I am here to remind you that having your summer ready body is very simple. Eat right, Workout & Wrap It Up!

Follow Me . . .

Eat Right – Having Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner is never enough. Remembering your portion sizes of course! For those trying to lose weight, eating less is the trick- eat less but eat healthy. Have your two snacks between Breakfast & Lunch and between Lunch & Dinner! Break away from the sweets and include 2oo Calorie snacks filled with protein, fiber, essential carbs and less fat of course.

Workout – Working out has become a fad nowadays and half of you don’t know what the hell you are doing. Do you need a trainer? In some cases yes, but I have seen the results or shall I say, lack of results from these “so-called-trainers”, not everyone can be a trainer. Use the system I use, if your trainer doesn’t weigh you at least once a month or take measurements from you he or she may be there for the money. Keep yourself active with simple routines, classes or push yourself using workout regimens that you see and feel results from.

Wrap It Up! – The Ultimate Body Applicators!! These body wraps have become very popular and my clients & I are wrapping like crazy. This is a detox system that you can apply on your own and work effectively to help you decrease inches, tighten skin, fade stretch marks and so much more. Just 45 minutes once a week will give you lasting results. Below is a new mommy who tried her first Body Wrap and lost 4 inches just in her tummy area in 45 minutes sitting in a meeting. It is that simple. Don’t believe me go to the website & try it yourself.

This is just week one, next week I will show you week two. She will be our “poster child” of Body Wrapping proof.

Don’t want to “Wrap” you up too much! Remember what I said, this right here, is your new swag! Until next week, All Love Everything!


Make sure to tune in every Friday for Fitness Fridays and Toplady Talks.  In the meantime visit the website at for all of TopladyLLC's services and the blog   for more advice and information from Toplady.