Fitness Friday: Toplady Talks "Hot-Sexy-Bodies"

Friday, April 8


Using What You Have to Get the Body You Want!


In life just like in fitness sometimes you are not able to have everything that you want. Instead of making excuses- use what you have to get to get what you want. Most would say they do not have time, they do not have equipment or they do not know how to get “what they want”. This is NOT true, everyone has time- we may not prioritize it correctly but we can change that.

Plan out your workouts weekly, just as you would anything else! Here are some moderate suggestions for physical activity during the week: 4o Minute Walks, Yoga Class, Total Body Training, Tennis, Meet w/ Your Personal Trainer, Join a Weight Loss Challenge, Wii Fit, Xbox Kinect & more.

Who said you needed equipment to work out? The best workouts come from you using your own body weight against gravity to burn fat, build muscle and increase endurance. Simple routines are often the best to fit into most people’s schedules. As a fitness professional I am giving you this plan for the next week to aid in your success. Do this routine every day for the next six days to improve your body fat percentage, increase muscular strength.

2o Push Ups (modified if necessary)
1o Walk Out to Extend Arm Plank (hold plank for 2 seconds)
5o Side Squats
25 Calf Raises
5o Bicycle Crunches
25 Crunches

Do this DAILY! Forward any questions or concerns to

Good Luck Readers!


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Until next time readers and make sure to head over to for me advice and fitness tips from Toplady