MadAboutCulture says Thank You!!

Thursday, September 2

I wanted to dedicate this post to my readers.  I was fooling around with some of the features on here and came across my stats.  Apparently google/blogger has been doing a better job of keeping up with my blog's numbers than I have, as I realized I had over 1,000 page views in ~ 4 months  This is crazy to me because in my head I can't imagine that many people visiting my page.  MadAboutCulture says THANK YOU!! to everyone who supports the blog.  It is definitely one of my favorite hobbies and it helps keep me sane and I am glad that I am able to share my interest with others.  To know that I have so many loyal readers makes me want to keep it up.  So THANKS again you guys and to google/blogger for keeping track of my numbers its definitely appreciated.