Cleanse Craze

Saturday, August 21

I am really not into dieting (maybe because I am 4'11" and have never weighed over 95 lbs); however I was reading about the new craze in dieting, the cleanse.  A cleanse is different from a diet because it doesn't implore starvation techniques, meaning the dieter still consumes the necessary nutritious calories per day.  Well I was reading InStyle and came across three types of cleanse's; (1.) The Quantum Wellness Cleanse, (2.) Organic Avenue Cleanse and (3.) The Cooler Cleanse.

The Quantum Wellness Cleanse: lasts 21 days because that's how long it takes to form a habit and change your taste buds.  The intention is to eat consciously.  You are only allowed to eat vegan foods and everything you eat must be free of gluten, sugar, alcohol and caffeine

Organic Avenue Cleanse: This program of cleanses is five days' worth of juices, shakes, and some uncooked foods.  The ingrediants are supposed to alkalize your body to help promote pH balance for optimal health.  You are only allowed to drink liquids and consume all raw

The Cooler Cleanse: This is an all beverage cleanse and solid foods are not a part of the program.  Each days juice has about 1,200 calories. 

For more information on these cleanses check out Jump-Start Your Diet over at  Remember all dieting comes with do's and don'ts and this goes for the cleanses as well.  Make sure you talk to a nutritionnist/physician and figure out what is best for you.  I just wanted to pass this along for anyone looking for alternatives to dieting.