Teflon who? Let's Talk About Eminem's Recovery

Friday, July 23

Eminem's on the Road to Recovery with #1 selling
album for four weeks straight
It looks like Eminem's Recovery album will slip out of the number 1 spot for the first time in four weeks.  While everyone is jumping on the Rick Ross bandwagon I am still holding it in for Em.  Why is no one discussing how in an industry (rap) where it is hard to sell records let alone maintain a number 1 album, Eminem has been constant for four weeks straight with the top album in the nation.  The man is classic and he continues to put out hits.  Much respect to Eminem for putting out classic hip hop that has substance, not knocking Rick Ross but I can't relate to a corrections officer turned gangsta rapper or whoever he is supposed to be.  Eminem has always been real, his music reflects his life and struggles, not some image he made up for street credibility unlike officer Ricky.  I am already looking forward to Eminem's next album, absolutely ready to add it to the collection.