Miami wins the King James Sweepstakes

Friday, July 9

Lebron 'King' James is headed to Miami, I have mixed feelings about this decision.  I would've preferred he went to Chicago or even the Knicks and try to win with one of those organizations but I understand his desire to win a championship and win now.  Lebron's legacy will forever be that of could he win the big one or could he LEAD a team to the championship title.  I personally respect him for what he has done for that Cleveland organization, he literally took that team from worse to first with a less than average supporting cast.  I understand Lebron's decision I just think that he will forever be known for bailing out and not being able to win one without the help of two other superstars, Wade and Bosh.  Either way congrats Lebron on your decision I will still be watching you, you are in the Southeast Division so you are now the enemy as I am an avid Washington Wizard's fan.

Check the video of James' decision after the jump