The Condom Debate

Thursday, July 8

I can't believe I am actually doing a post on this topic, seeing as tho it should be a no-brainer but this does not appear to be the case.  I would first like to explain how I came upon this topic to discuss.  I was reading one of my favorite entertainment blogs and came across a letter one of her readers sent to her. 

Dear Miss Jia, 
I’ve recently started going to your website and I have noticed that your advice is non-biased and that you have a genuine concern for the well being of others.  I have a major problem. I met a young, very energetic man about 6 months ago. We both got the necessary blood test etc. and are both healthy. After our test we began having unprotected sex with the agreement that he would pull out.  He is 22, still lives at home. Has a 7 month old child. I have since discovered that he has no savings account and is just beginning his career. I'm 28. Have a five year old from a previous marriage. Own my own house, have a career, own a car and am in the process of starting my own business. I have just found out that I'm two months pregnant. On one hand my son will finally have a play mate and a sibling. On the other hand I'm like WTf?! I have been doing so well for myself. He wants to be with me and make this relationship a serious one. But in the back of my mind I just wanted some memorable sex and got stuck. His ability to provide financially has me nerve wrecked.  Some days I contemplate an abortion than the guilt kicks in other days I'm happy.
A couple of things.  When I first read this letter to Miss Jia I was shocked that an adult would engage in such irresponsible behavior, let alone seek a gossip blog for advice about said behavior.  Seriously are people really out here going raw just to be going raw.  That is extremely dumb and dangerous.  She is lucky that a baby is the only thing she has to show for her actions.  There are way too many diseases out here for people to be acting so irresponsibly when it comes to sex.  I understand that maybe one time you might get caught up in the emotions of the act and oops but to conscientiously make a decision to eliminate protection from the equation is just stupid.  I am not going to speak on the guy not having shit going for him because quite frankly she knew this when she was getting her rocks off.  Seriously ladies there is just too much going on out here.  You got your run of the mill hoes who will bone anything that breathes and you got your down low brothers.  Black women make up the majority of new AIDS/HIV cases nowadays so WE ARE AT RISK!!  Why in the world would someone play Russian roulette with their life like this just for the pleasures of sex.  People please we have got to do better.  Wrap it up, that moment of pleasure is definitely not worth the risk.

Click HERE to read the letter