So Slim Thug Loves 'Snowbunnies'

Wednesday, June 9

So Slim Thug had black women pissed off at him a couple of days ago when his blog on black women hit the Internet.  First let me preface this post with a I think this fool is about to drop an album and needed to generate some buzz, but I digress.  I wouldn't normally waste my time on such fuckery but I thought I should take the time out and remind black women why they shouldn't really give two shits what Slim Thug thinks.

So what I can decipher from the ignorance that was his blog is that black women are too picky and need to lower their standards a bit and learn how to appreciate their man.  Let's just assume this is where he was trying to go with this.  I can agree with Slim Thug on one thing, in any relationship it should be 50/50 which means both parties need to be contributing to the relationship.  What I am not in agreement with Slim Thug on is this generalization that all black women are gold diggers with their hands out who don't want to take care of their man.  Listen I haven't been in a relationship in 9 yrs but I have still managed to hold every single guy I have dealt with down emotionally and financially.  I have done this to the point of stupidity on my part, so Mr Thug don't assume that black women aren't willing to hold brothers down.  There are a lot of black women out here working, taking care of Ray Ray, and his kids while he sits at home playing X-Box 360 all day.  Or what about our sisters who are holding it down while Raekwon is doing time in Rikers.  Yes there are some women out here whose idea of Mr Right is someone who can financially do for them and will pass up the first brother whose suit isn't tailored the right way or bank account is not stacked but that is not all of us.  Don't make excuses for why you prefer snow bunnies, I could care less if you want to date a white woman, half breed or whatever, but don't use us black women as an excuse for doing so.  I know personally am not checking for Slim Thug and for you ladies out here stressing out over his little blog ask yourself this question, what has Slim Thug done for you lately, not a damn thing, so just get over it.

For those of you who are remotely interested in Slim Thug's rant here is the link, 'Black Women Need to Stand by Their Man More'

P.S. Those red bottom shoes are called Christian Louboutins boo boo, trust if a bish got a pair of Loubou's she is not driving a raggedy ass car, this is exactly why we shouldn't care what Slim Thug thinks

Relevant Blogs
'Open Letter to Slim Thug (from a black man)'
'Dumb Thug'
'The Unsupportive Sista and Three More Stupid Stereotypes about Black Women'