Off and On AGAIN??

Sunday, June 6

This is a rarity for me as I don't usually give relationship advice but after a conversation I had with my frenemy/homey I just had to post.  I am not really big on relationships but one of the things I would never understand are you people who engage in these 'off and on' relationships.  Y'all know the ones, the 'we are on a break' couples.  Well I have a friend who has been off and on with his girl for damn near five years, yes folks five years.  Now I was talking to him yesterday and I had to simply tell him  (a.) let her go or (b.) stop taking a break from your relationship.  Seriously there has to be a reason that after 4.5 years y'all still are not at a comfortable place in your relationship.  Maybe, just maybe this situation isn't meant to be.

Let's explore the reasons why constantly taking breaks from your relationship is a bad idea.

1.) You will almost certainly meet someone during that time and develop a situation with them.  This happens majority of the time as someone who steps away from their relationship is seeking something else.

2.)  You two will grow apart

3.)  You might even become good friends (not always a good thing especially if the friendship is more important than the relationship)

4.)   If the break is not mutually agreed upon, someone will eventually become bitter and resentful and hurt feelings are a certain

5.)  You might realize that you don't really love this person the way you thought you did

I understand sometimes you need a break from a situation to try to figure out what you really want but to keep breaking up over a course of five years is a bit much.  These two people can't still love each other the same way and I am positively certain that she doesn't really want to be with him, she just doesn't want anyone else to have him.  Either way he needs to man up.

Check out these relevant blogs on relationships:
Bobby4Apples 'Know and Realize'
Blackie Collins 'Beating a Dead Horse'