Observational Commentary

Wednesday, June 30

So I have been accused of being judgmental and it lead me to reevaluate some things about myself.  After much self reflection I have come to the conclusion that I engage in observational commentary (meaning I see shit and comment on it).  People tend to do a lot of stupid shit in life and it kills me how they expect people to 1.)cosign on aforementioned stupidity  and 2.) not comment on that stupidity .  The thing that bothers me is that people love to throw around this word "judgment" like it means something grand.  I guess because the bible says something about not passing "judgment" but I am pretty sure it also says something about not stealing, killing and f*cking well something along those lines.  People stop getting mad and blaming folks for commenting on the stupid shit that YOU do.  Take a step back and evaluate your actions.  If you are doing something that lacks integrity or good judgment on your part, don't expect others to cosign on your bad choices and acts.  I am by no means perfect and if I go out here and do some dumb shit I would hope someone would observe and comment or at least tell me "YO YOUR DUMB AS F*CK".  I probably won't like it but at least your basing that on something you observed me doing.  A lot of y'all are so caught up in your own stupidity that you find a way to justify your actions some way or another.  Well keep telling yourself lies but please don't get upset when someone comments on your actions.  Hey you call it judging, I call it observational commentary.