Your Opinion . . . Is Just That

Thursday, July 15

So I guess some folks have never heard of the saying, your opinion is nothing more than just your opinion.  There are a few folks out here who suffer from the "it's all about me" syndrome.  Simply put there are some narcissistic a--holes who feel people have to agree with them on everything.

Your opinion is just that, YOUR opinion.  I am a very opinionated person, and I have a tendency to tell folks what I think a lot.  That is where I draw the line.  I don't expect people to agree with me on anything and I don't get mad at them if they don't. I am very much aware that my opinions matter to no one but myself so I am realistic about my expectations of what people may feel about things that I say.  Unfortunately there are some individuals out here who feel that their opinions are always right and that others are obligated to agree with them.  I don't know what school of thought these people attended but its safe to say that these type of individuals tend to also care a lot about what is thought of them.

I understand the need to be right, but what is right is sometimes relative.  Any mature thinker or non emotional thinker is able to recognize this and MOVE ON.  The irrational thinker will argue with you until you give in and tell them they are right because they desperately need that validation. I find these types of people to be very weak minded.  Anyone who tries to force someone to see something their way or gets mad because someone doesn't see something their way needs to evaluate why what they think hinges so much on another individual's approval. 

I encounter this every single day.  I have had discussions with co-workers about why I don't care about people's perceptions or opinions and it all goes back to one simple fact, I am confident with myself as a person and opinions are not a static concept, they are constantly changing.  So the next time you come at me trying to convince me of something just remember your opinion is just that, YOUR OPINION!!