Unrequited Love: Sahel Kazemi's Story

Monday, July 5

So I was watching ESPN all day yesterday and there was little to no coverage on the one year anniversary of the death of Steve McNair.  I will be honest, I did forget he was dead, not because he isn't important its just that the circumstances surrounding his death were so tragic that I chose to push it to the farthest depths of my mind.  What is tragic about McNair's demise is that it allegedly came at the hand of his young mistress Sahel Kazemi.  All I could remember thinking when this story broke was what was McNair thinking involving himself with someone so young and impressionable.  I absolutely couldn't blame this 20 year old girl, who is only one year removed from being a teenager, for falling in love with a rich athlete.  McNair lavished her with expensive gifts (a Cadillac Escalade) and exotic getaways.  Police investigators believe it was a murder-suicide.  They said Kazemi shot McNair twice in the chest then in the head before turning the gun on herself.  This is one of the saddest things I have ever heard and I feel sorry that she felt there was no other way out of her predicament with McNair other than death.  Kazemi finally came to the realization that McNair was never going to leave his wife for her and that he was carrying on an affair with another young lady. 

I am not going to use this post as a way to bash men but I will say let this be a warning to those out here who like to play "THE GAME".  I really don't think men understand the emotional damage that they inflict when they cheat on their spouses or string an unsuspecting female along for their own selfish reasons.  There are a bunch of Sahel Kazemi's out here waiting on their sugar daddy to finally choose them.  Desperately wanting and believing that this man really does love them.  I am not quite sure if McNair loved this young lady but what I do know is that he was a married man.  I wonder if McNair knew about Kazemi's background.  About her mother's murder in Iran, her lack of a father figure throughout her life.  I wonder if he knew these things if he would have been a bit more careful with her.  Kazemi's life story is very sad, she went through life as a refugee and outcast and finally someone came along that she felt loved and wanted her.  Too bad her love was unrequited. Too bad she was just a pawn in McNair's game.  Too bad this 20 year old is no longer here with us today.  Too bad McNair is gone.  It is all very senseless, it didn't have to happen and it shouldn't have happened.  If all the parties involved would have been more responsible then maybe McNair and Kazemi would still be here today. 

RIP Steve McNair and Sahel Kazemi such a sad ending to two young lives.

Relevant links: 
Sahel Kazemi: The woman forever tied to Steve McNair