Why Did I Get Married?

Wednesday, June 2

"I planned to be intimate with him when we were reunited. My inevitable betrayal scared me, but nothing -- not morality, reason, devotion to my husband and children--could stop me"

The above is an excerpt from an article out of the February issue of Vogue magazine.  This woman goes into explicit details about her love affair with a younger man.  She describes her desire to step outside her marriage as her "last chance" to be a woman. 

This article is one of the many reasons why I have an adamant no marriage policy.  I refuse to get married, nothing in today's society makes me believe in the institution of marriage anymore.  I used to just believe divorce was high amongst those who married young or hastily but I am finding that more and more people in long term marriages are separating and giving up and I find this to be astounding.

One of the most recent and shocking dissolutions of marriage was that of Tipper and Al Gore.  I think more people would've been prepared for a Bill and Hilary Clinton divorce but not the Gore's.  I find it weird that they just up and decided one day this marriage is not working anymore, especially after forty years together.  What exactly could these two be looking for that they haven't found with each other within this time frame.

Don't get me wrong I have seen successful marriages so I know they are out there but the statistics are just too staggering for me to gamble on marriage.  It appears that there are more divorces and unhappy marriages than there are happy long lasting ones.  How exactly does one be with someone for that long without compromising who they are.  I am not condoning divorce but I understand how one can wake up one day and question everything they thought they knew about someone.  People change and sometimes they even grow apart.  Is it worth staying in a marriage that is not working for the sake of the vows or divorcing for your own individual happiness.  I don't know where to draw the line on this issue.  One thing I do know is,  marriage is serious business and if you are not sure about who you are or who the person you are marrying is then don't do it. 

Links to relevant articles:
Marcia DeSanctis. "Love's Labour's Won". Vogue February 2010: 94-98.